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Project purpose

If you have project in mind, that you’ve started or struggled with, I can help you individually or by facilitating group sessions to go back to the beginning and define the purpose, mission, vision and values. This will build the critical foundation for success to ensure, with guided planning, that your initiative can thrive. I also have extensive experience in creating content that helps audiences to wear a totally different pair of specs. That sheds fresh light and invites a deep delve into a freeing faith.

Just contact me to discuss.

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Gemma for a few years now, and I have seen someone who is passionately creative, strategically minded and project management orientated - a rare combination! Gemma approaches everything she does with huge enthusiasm, whilst keeping the end objective in sight through a managed and realistic approach.  
Gemma is not only a self-starter, but also a great team player, that pushes projects forward, but is also super flexible to change direction, as and when needed.  
It’s an absolute pleasure to work with her.”

Andy Bodkin, Group CEO, Out of the Ark Music

Personal purpose

If you are trying to discern the next steps of your education or career and need help sifting through the options, I can help by taking a practical approach through my bespoke ‘Golden Thread of Purpose’ framework. This will enable you to take time for a vista moment, to see all that God has done, is doing and will do in your life and feel confident about your next steps. Just contact me to discuss.


Purposeful speaking

If you are looking for a guest speaker for your church service, event, course, retreat or other, I can work with you to ensure that my talk will inspire and facilitate a sense of purpose for your audience. I’ve worked with organisations including Cinnamon Network, Moorlands Bible College, the Church of England's Growing Faith Foundation, HOPE Together, Faith in Later Life, Newfrontier's Advance movement amongst others.

Just contact me to discuss.

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